Dave Rudkin has climbed a stunning new dyno on a collection of large sandstone boulders in Beddgelert Forest. The Shocker (V7ish) takes flight from the obvious chest high jug on the main leaning wall to connect with a sloping scoop that dips down from the lip of the boulder.
The fact that there are genuine sandstone boulders in such a traditional mountain rock area has certainly turned a few heads, particularly as the presence of the blocks only came to light recently. [Editors note: it subsequently became known that the boulders were dolerite.)
Thus far, no more than a small number of lines (including the high bulging wall right of The Shocker) have been completed. There appears to be potential for around 20 significant problems in the main cluster and perhaps more hidden further into the depths of the forest.
To reach the boulders: pull in at the Rhyd Ddu end of the forest and park immediately. The road turns and runs parallel to the main road (i.e. towards Beddgelert), ignore this and instead cross the railway and walk up the track running perpendicular to the main road (i.e. straight ahead) into the forest. Follow the track ignoring two right turns, until a sharp left turn is reached; ignore this too, and continue on the main track as it curves round to the left. A series of conspicuous blocks will now be seen in the trees above the path on the right. (approach time: 15 minutes)
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