Adam Hocking has spearheaded a very productive wave of development on the Beddgelert Forest Boulders. These dolerite blocks caused a flurry of initial interest when they were first developed a few years back, but strangely have largely been ignored since.
Round to the left of The Shocker wall Adam climbed Gold Dust (V8/Font 7B) – this starts hanging a jug underneath the roof and reaches out to the lip of the hanging slab, moving slightly left then rocking over to finish. Adam also nailed Golden Wonder (V8/ Font 7B+), essentially a left hand exit following the lip leftwards, before nipping up the aręte and rocking onto the slab. On the same day, James Lillie climbed the aręte of the adjacent slabby wall. Well Held Aręte rates V4/ Font 6Bish.
A number of lines were also done on the block above The Shocker. Starting on the left, the little groove leads onto a slab, undercutting up to a jug at V4/Font 6B. Just right James added a nifty V6/Font 7A eliminate moving into the finish of the previous problem from a sidepull. Right again Adam established an un-named V9/Font 7c, which pulls on with a side pull (right) and a small crimp (left) and fires a big move to the lip, before finishing as for the left hand line. Right once again and above a slightly dodgy landing (soon to be sorted out) is The Patroniser V8/Font 7B. This starts on the obvious edge on the lip of the overhang, then heads right along the lip using various toe hooks, before moving up to the top of the boulder.
Pics to follow (once the site editor has been back for a gander at all this new stuff).
Relevant links:
The Shocker news item
Beddgelert Forest update news item