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Front cover showing Neil Dyer making the first ascent of the alarmingly highball Upper Cut V8/7B+ photo: Si Panton

Pete Robins slapping with conviction on In Hell V12/8A+ photo: Si Panton

Dave Noden grasping for the lip on the wild and improbable Ring Peace V6/7/7A/+, Breck Road area, whilst Ian Whyatt convincingly impersonates the Ground Up boy logo photo: Si Panton

A new guide booklet to the famous Llandudno limestone bouldering crag, Parisella's Cave, is due for release in the next fortnight. The guide has been put together by the Ground Up team, who have produced the widely praised North Wales Rock and Gogarth North guides.

“Parisella’s Cave is one of the most important bouldering venues in the UK. Not only does it have a huge amount of classic mid grade problems, it also has arguably the highest concentration of hard problems in Europe!”

Commented Ground Up editor and chief, Simon Panton, before adding:

“I have been documenting bouldering developments in the Cave (and elsewhere in North Wales) since the late 90s when I produced the Northern Soul fanzines, and in that time I have seen some astonishing first ascents. It has been 5 years since I published the North Wales Bouldering guide and during this latter period some really incredible things have happened, both in the Cave and up the hill in the Breck Road area. I am constantly amazed by the quality of the new problems which keep arriving. And it’s not just about the big numbers either, some of the most exciting new lines have occurred in the V7/7A+ to V9/7C range.”

The booklet is A5 and 20 pages. Aside from the main section on the Cave, it also includes the recently revived Breck Road area, plus the Split Infinity area just next door to the Cave. With a stylistic nod to the original North Wales Bouldering guide, this is a predominantly black and white production. That said, it does include a special four page colour topo section (topos work better in colour) containing six separate topos and the mother of all tick lists, with 108 problems and links between V3/6A+ and V14/8B+. Enough to keep even the most ardent Cave devotee busy for a year or ten.

All the old and new wave problems are given full descriptions, with a breakdown of all worthwhile links and historically important ascents. This is the first time that the Cave has been represented in a photo topo format. Four different images taken from different view points were required to fully represent the complex three dimensional layout. There are also over twenty action shots, which not only provide inspiring eye candy, but will help newcomers to identify individual problems.

The guide will sell for £4.95 and will initially be available from V12 Outdoor, and then very soon from all good climbing shops.

Relevant links:
      UKClimbing.com review of North Wales Bouldering