As we emerge from weeks of apocalyptic weather, floods and lightning storms, it is good to know that fresh pastures await the curious boulder hunter, should s/he choose to leave the cosy confines of the indoor wall and/or pub (or wherever else you may have been cowering). As ever, Big G delivers, just when we need it most:
Dear NWB readers,
Some distinguished bolder spotters in the mountain instructor community (and they know who they are) may at times indulge in a dangerous mix of work and pleasure; the only thing to which they weaken - (as Oscar Wilde would say) - is temptation.
And so they will let 'micro navigation' days lead them closer and closer to collections of boulders. After all what an excellent landmark they make for unsuspecting groups of aspiring navigators lost in an anxious world of contours, timings and pacing.
One such location where the two disciplines might enjoy a ‘cross over’, as it where, is the nicely located north eastern shoulder of Moel Hebog (gr 568 476) where a great many 10 by 10 blocks can be enjoyed.
The rock here is not quite as good as the forest to the north but nonetheless the area has its own charms, not least the views of the Snowdon massif and the great untouched rhododendron forests of Beddgelert.
Micro features can be sought by the map starers whilst instructors wander nonchalantly around, leaning against various large rocks to ‘shelter from the wind’. Upon reaching the most compelling item, be it a sloper traverse or a steep groove, our cunning leader will suggest a lengthy lunch break, maybe even a re-section!
Yours affectionately,
Big G
PS The small cliff at the far northern end of the crag is not much good – just in case you were wondering.
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